Monday 19 January 2015


Welcome to Beauty Spot! My page will be about all things Beauty, that includes (in my opinion) Mental and physical health, hair, make up and more...

I want all that visits this page to feel like they are beautiful from the inside out! I have started this page as there was a time where I did not feel this way due to imperfections and I was judging myself on what I saw on television, I did not have any self confidence and wanted to be someone else, I was eating crappy food, which, does aid  depression and feeling bad about yourself let alone making you put on weight. I then came to the realisation that in order for YOU to feel beautiful you have to start with the inside and work your way out. I haven't fully got there yet BUT I am on my way. I have weight to lose, I have imperfections that I cannot change and I have treated my body badly.

If this sounds like you, STOP as this is doing more harm than good. I am on my journey to Loving life and Beauty Spot is my 'go to' in order to let people know about all the great things that find 'beauty wise' with some extra stuff thrown in.

This page is a personal page for me and I will only put things that I am interested in on it.

So please keep popping back to my page as it will be up and running very soon!

Thanks for stopping by !

kay xoxo

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