Friday 23 January 2015

Insanity review

I decided to start insanity yesterday, well this morning (1am). I got a random burst of energy and thought "why not start now". 
I looked through the options of the dvd  and thought I would do the recommended 'fit test'. 

The fit test is a 25 minute long work out that prepares you for the rest of the more intense workouts for the next 60 days, however you have to repeat the fit test every 2 weeks at first then every month to see your progress and if you have improved. So I began and thought 'hey this is good' and as you sweat and stop for a break,so do the 'helpers' in the video. 
I got to about 7 minutes in, before I thought my heart was going to burst out of my chest. The workout is 60 seconds of the chosen move, then relax for 30 seconds and repeat. Hence why my heart was beating like crazy. So I stopped and decided to resume the next day. However, I did feel like although I did about 7 minutes intense working out, I still got something from the work out and I am aching the next day. 

I would urge anyone that wants to start insanity to make sure you ease yourself into exercise before to help you get a little resistance. I would not recommend insanity to anyone that hasn't exercised for a while, as it throws you straight in to the deep end. 
Other than that, if you want a good (but hard) work out insanity is perfect for you. Even the fittest people in the video can't even complete a whole round of insanity.  

If you have tried insanity let me know what you think and if you feel better after doing it. I will carry on with the rest of the videos and let you know my progress as I go on. 

Before you try it please consult a doctor if you have any outstanding heart problems etc as the work out is very intense. 

Kay xo 

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